my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

128. People watching at the local coffee shop

I wandered around Bangsar for a little bit today. The renovation process is still going at my house. There was a lot of construction noise at home, so I just gotta get myself out and about. When I left the train station, I went up the road and crossed the street. I found myself walking through five apartment complexes. It was a bit disorientating, but I managed to get myself to the main road again.

When I descended from the stairs, I followed the footpath and decided to stop at this delightful little cafe down the street. I ordered a pot of earl grey tea and worked on my computer for a bit.

I've been in this cafe for several hours now. I've been outside just enjoying the fresh air and brewed tea. While I was sat down at this booth, there were 3 different parties that sat next in the booth next to me.

The first party seated was just one guy. This particular guy had a tripod on the table and he was showing the camera his giant berry waffle dessert dish he was having. He was really enthusiastic with his performance in front of the camera. I don't know the routine and intricacies of what an influencer exactly does, so it's nice to see the little details behind the scenes. It's simply just the ebb and flow of the Influencer lifestyle. I don't think I would have a really good time as an Influencer, to be honest.

After he was finished with his spiel, he turned off the camera, typed furiously on his phone, posted it on Instagram, and then let out a big sigh. He was done with this task and enjoying his giant dessert. I didn't really want to scrutinize him so closely, so I continued to mind my own business and drink my tea...


The second party was a group of 4 gentlemen, having a lunch meeting. They all looked serious, but I think it was a very humorous thing to see- all sipping on their dainty little tea cups together. They spoke in low voices and murmured a lot. I didn't want to eavesdrop into their conversation.


The third party was a mother and daughter taking photos of each other. It was kind of cute to see, as I peeked away from my laptop. The mother was dressed very elegantly, a grey blue scarf and a pair of designer glasses framed her face. Her daughter looked like a trendy teenager, sporting a crop top. The daughter took so many selfies with her parent, it was insane. Like, way too many photos. They were there for a good 20 minutes before the staff was a bit impatient with them. I saw them tapping their toes for some reason. Then they ran away together. Not my business, heh.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

Here's my view of the booth.

Before I arrived at the cafe, there was this young expat couple on a date, who was seated in front of me. The guy is looks like he's European (perhaps from the UK). I was trying to figure out where they are form, just based on the shoes. The girl looks American, but I think she is mixed Malaysian or another nationality. They both look so seamless and cool, chatting between themselves. Ah, young love.

I have been here for a while, maybe about 2ish hours. The couple is still having their date. They've been talking for quite a while? I didn't want to listen into their conversation at all, but I could hear some giggles through my headphones. This is all so cute. They didn't have any phones, computers, or any electronic devices in front of them. They've just been enjoying each other's presence at the table. This is one of the longest dates I've ever had to witness. I hope that they're talking about delightful things and having a nice bonding moment together.

Last night, I tried to make my own version of shakshouka, with the limited ingredients I have at my place currently. It wasn't super spicy and flavorful, simply because I just used a jar of Prego as the tomato sauce base for my egg. The presentation could use some work, but I thoroughly enjoyed my dinner.

At the cafe, I decided to order their shakshouka.... it was much better than mine and tasted a lot more authentic. I had a good time.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me


Places I went to today:

~ a coffee shop local,

<3 K