my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

99. Overcoming the maladies

I'm such a little baby whenever I get sick. I thought that I was fine? I've gotten my seasonal flu shot and am up-to-date with vaccines and thought I would be an unstoppable force with all these immunity shields. Unfortunately, with all the protective barriers I have, getting no sleep and running around everywhere like an energizer bunny really takes a toll on my health.

I've been having the flu and multiple coughing fits for more than a week now! I tested myself a couple times and I keep getting negative covid results, so that's good. I've just been having a really bad cough these days. I think I told a bunch of my friends already via email. It's really nice to hear from you! Thanks a bunch for the well wishes and company.

But my sickness. Yeah. It's awful. I would never wish illness upon a person I hate, because it's simply unpleasant. Being sick is one of the worst feelings in the world. I haven't been doing a lot of exciting activities because I just keep coughing up a lung. I've just been confined to my place, staying home and resting in blankets, or if I needed to go outside to get supplies, I just mask up and try not to talk to anyone. It's a little difficult when you're all alone. I think that's why I'm constantly trying to reach out to people! I just don't want anyone to take care of me physically... just a deep need for moral support.

I've been thinking about what I usually do when I'm sick- I put on a good series (usually anime or something that I've watched before), try not to talk because of my hoarse voice, drink tons and tons of tea. I usually have a lemon or honey thing to eat. Cough lozenge wrappers are all over my floor. Everything's a mess. Blankets have become my uniform. Sleeping is my mode of operation. Alright, I'm being too dramatic.

Although, today- I've been feeling a little bit better and am going to climb again. My cough has subsided and I feel more motivated and full of energy. I really miss climbing (it's only been a week). I'm back at it again and I hope I'll be on my A-game today. I scheduled a meet-up with another friend I met recently. He seems pretty keen on climbing, so I hope I get to have another gym buddy :)

~ achoo,

<3 K