my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

87. My top 5 favorite albums of all time

The world of music is a boundless universe. Within this expansive realm, certain albums have etched their names into music history, and into my heart. These albums, the top 5 favorites of many (I hope not just me!), are considered the best for numerous reasons that go beyond mere personal preference.

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

1. "Can't Buy a Thrill" by Steely Dan

Released in 1972, "Can't Buy a Thrill" marked the debut of the enigmatic and genre-blending group, Steely Dan. This is their first ever album and I'm incredibly impressed. This was one of the first albums I ever discovered when I was a teenager and when I trying to develop my music tastes. I have a hypothesis forming in my head- that everything that you've heard when you were 12-15 years old are burned into your memory and that you will forever remember. I remember hearing this when I was alone in my room every weekend after I finished school activities and homework and just listen to Spotify songs all night while updating my tumblr boards...

Favorite songs from this album:

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

2. "Purple Rain" by Prince

Released in 1984, "Purple Rain" is an iconic album that represents the genius of Prince. That Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show 2007 was iconic beyond years. It was raining, pouring, and the man dropped a line, "can you make it rain harder?" That man is a genius I love the style, I love the mood. "Purple Rain" remains an evergreen favorite, celebrated for its innovation and emotional depth.

Favorite songs from this album:

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

3. "Transatlanticism" by Death Cab for Cutie

In 2003, Death Cab for Cutie released "Transatlanticism," an album that continues to resonate with a wide audience due to its heartfelt lyrics, melodic indie-rock sound, and introspective themes. This was one of first albums I loved when I was a kid. I remember listening to this on my iPod nano because it was introduced to me by a older family friend. There were some people I followed on the Sims 2 website that would make machinimas with this band playing in the background.

Favorite songs from this album:

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

4. "Plastic Beach by Gorillaz

The Gorillaz is a band that I will continue to love to this day. Their first album, "Demon Days," released in 2005, is a testament to the inventive and genre-defying nature of their household name "Gorillaz". I remember listening to this on a car ride to the mountains. An older family friend put this in the CD player of the car and started jamming out to it. I didn't know any of the words at all, but I relished every single moment of it. It wasn't until I was a young pre-teen that I began to explore their music even further. Plastic Beach was released in 2010 when I was in the middle school and I ABSOLUTELY loved it. People enjoy their first albums way more, but I cling on to Plastic Beach like a koala to a tree. It's one of the only albums I know almost all the words to. The opening track, "Orchestral Intro," sets the mood, that fills me with a sense of nostalgia. This emotion permeates the entire album.

Favorite songs from this album:

my thoughts are marbles, roll with me

5. "Tea for the Tillerman" by Yusuf/Cat Stevens

Released in 1970, "Tea for the Tillerman" by Yusuf/Cat Stevens is a timeless classic that combines folk, rock, and introspective songwriting. My mother loves this songs and it is one of the only songs I caught her singing to when I rode with her during car rides when I was younger. I couldn't believe she knew every lyric. She probably doesn't know the artist or the album name, but Wild World is embedded into her head. That's why I really like this album.

Favorite songs from this album:

~ this is something old, this is something new,

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